Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gypsy Witch Herb Collecting

Anyone can collect herbs or buy them shriveled up from a store and they will work in your potions. But truly, to get the very best results you must pick herbs at the right time from the right place in the correct manner to capture the essential spirit of the plant. Gypsies used fresh herbs for their concoctions, whether they were combining for elixirs, medicated salves or creating a love potion.

Plants absorb and are susceptible to good, bad and neutral energies...just like humans, insects, puppies and sea animals. Plants are organic and have cycles of strengths--the gypsies knew this and had a whole regimen for choosing herbs at certain times of the year under the best conditions. Here are some ideas about choosing the right plant for your magick.

1.  Don't use plants that may have been contaminated by street traffic, industry poisons, or near a place where the herbs may have been unnaturally sprayed.

2.  Too much wind, sun, rain or dust can pollute and destroy the virgorous health of a plant, making it sad with despair.

3.  Plants should be at their peak and free of moisture. Roots are best collected as the top of the plant begins to fade or die.

4.  Use a natural cotton string to bind the herbs and hang them upside down to dry in a light breeze with no sunshine.

When you've grown your own plant or chosen one from the right conditions, you can preserve the natural virtues of an herb. When the plants are dry, keep them hanging for later or use closed glass jars to bind the energies within. Gypsies believe the spirit of the plant is connected to Gaea/Gaia and she protects her bounties. The gypsies respect that connection and in fact, use that connection to heal, sway or project their own force into the world.

So many medicines were discovered by Wiccan's and gypsies over the centuries. Aspirin from the willow bark, the calming effects of Chamomile and even plant poisons when used properly can heal. There are many ways to use freshly dried herbs in Infusions, decoctions, syrups, oils and ointments. Look for the next article on how to prepare your potions, then how to use the potions coming soon.

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